Ink Cartridge Refill Help Center

HP 350, 351 Quick Tips

Cartridge InstallationHP-350-351-carts_small

Remove temporary protective storage clip and insert cartridge into your printer.

Retain the storage clip; use it on cartridge after it becomes empty as you return it for refill.

Clip Removal and Caution2


Usage Tips

NOTE: “Empty” and “Low Ink” alerts are COMPLETELY NORMAL for all HP 350, 350XL, 351 & 351XL ink cartridges which have been refilled!  While at first this may be an unusual workflow, it does allow print operations to proceed.

Your printer/computer may display an ink alert message, such as “non-genuine cartridge”. Press proceed/continue/accept/yes/OK to dismiss this prompt.

After refills, the printer cannot track the ink level.  The ink level indicator will falsely signal empty. In many cases, additional nuisance messages may also appear – this is normal. Bypass all low ink warnings and nuisance alert messages.

Nuisance Flowchart_HP IPH Cartridges


If the printer/software prompts you to align the cartridge, perform the alignment at the printer’s control panel. You may need to press ‘OK’ (or resume/copy) up to six times to initiate the scanner.

Continue to print until the print quality fades.

For cartridge error messages which prevent printing (including blinking power/exclamation light), from the menu above, select your printer model series to diagnose further.

Keep a spare set of cartridges, for convenience.  As an in-printer cartridge is depleted, remove it for refill.  Insert the spare into the printer and save the refill as the next spare.


Advanced Diagnostics

To view advanced diagnostics tests for your printer, click here:

HP Printer Diagnostics



Refill Center Locations: 

HP Ink Refill Services


HP 350 & 351 ink-series Compatible Printers:  




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